A Bucket List to Stave Off Post-Election Blues

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To take my mind off this numbing election, I’m diving headfirst into my writing. Yup, another book is in progress. While others turn outward and do advocacy work, protesting or just remaining angry in general, being the introvert that I am, I prefer to turn inward and tune into my creativity to help me feel better.

I relate to Garrison Keillor’s quote: “We are so exhausted from thinking about this election, millions of people will take up leaf-raking and garage cleaning with intense pleasure.” I’m also looking forward to experimenting with a “no-poo” shampoo concoction to help my hair get some bounce back, finding a recipe for the best damn mashed potatoes ever, and finally mindlessly cleaning the house for the holidays.

And, another goal: getting serious about letting the word out that my new book, Ditch the Coupons, is out. Whatever happens to our economy, there’s no lack of books and other info out there to help us save money in our own corner of the world, and I hope Ditch the Coupons can help. I know it can help. I’m also happy to say that the book reached Top 100 (paid) in Amazon’s Home + Craft Cleaning category (because it discusses decluttering your life of coupons and living simply). I was able to catch that great surprise a few times even though Amazon’s ranking and numbers fluctuate by the hour (or minute so it seems).

small-image-of-dtc-cover If you’re interested to find more out about the book, read here and here.

If you’re interested in reading a free copy of the book for an honest review, email me at msyarto@gmail.com.

Hang in there, folks, and here’s to ditching those coupons during the next four years!

~Marilyn, TFF